Competing Values Framework (CVF)

OCAI (Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument)

The Competing Values Framework was developed by Kim S. Cameron and Robert E. Quinn. It is a broadly applicable model that is intended to foster successful leadership; improve organizational effectiveness; and promote value creation. The Competing Values Framework has been studied and tested in organisations for more than 30 years.

The premise of the model is that there are four basic competing values within every organisation: Collaborate; Create, Compete and Control (see Figure 1 below). These values compete for an organisation’s limited resources. How leadership responds to the tension created between these competing values will shape the organisation’s culture, practices, products as well as innovation and growth.

The CVF model can be applied to teams, business units, organizations, or a conglomeration of companies using the same process.

Online Survey Tool

The CVF framework is implemented by means of a validated online survey tool called the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The tool identifies the collective current and preferred culture profile for the organisation as a whole as well as provide sub-profiles according to preference. The dominant culture is then explored and strategies are recommended and co-created on how to move the baseline to the preferred future culture.